

求婚相关搜索: 求婚
外国人求婚英文翻译A proposal for a foreigner to marry
  • 怂人@
  • 2020-05-14 06:03

求婚告白词应该这样说比较打动人心 我真的爱你,还记得那一次吗?你从我旁边经过,突然你的书,掉落在我面前,我很自然地弯下腰,帮你捡了起来,你对我回眸一笑,我瞬间觉得暖暖的,难道你就是我生命中的那个他,当时,我要记下你的电话号码,开始我只和你谈一些工作方面的事情,之后慢慢谈到我们个人的私人问题,我以为,你会很腼腆,但事实上,你一直在给我讲你的故事,我也变得放开了,就这样,我们在一起了,我们也结婚了。

英文的浪漫求婚词Do you remember how the two of us met? I was sitting in the office that day. You came to the office to find Mr. Yuan. I couldn't hear what you were talking to. But I find that you have been looking at me secretly. After a while, you went out, but in less than a minute, you came back. I was a little puzzled. You just saw me and forgot what I just did. I was drunk. So we met. At the beginning we often date, unwittingly we have been in love for two months, I know a little haste, or ask you to marry me.希望对你有所帮助。

  • 堇色素顔∫凉城空
  • 2020-05-14 17:44
How would I say mine eyes be blessed made.该如何表达,何其幸运。My looking on thee in the living day.若我的双眼,能够在灿烂白昼中zd将你凝望。Of all days are nights to see till I see thee.若不能将你守望,则生命沉入永夜。The night days when dreams do showthee me.你若在梦中出现,永夜就将化为晴日。Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?
  • -陌路亽 ゎ
  • 2020-05-16 06:21

I do I will从语法上来说正确。

不过人们都用I do. 从语法上来说I do有强调的意思吧。

  • # 禁爱、
  • 2020-05-21 19:41
西方婚礼誓言 我愿意她(他)成为我的妻子(丈夫),从今天开始相互拥有、相互扶持,无论是好是坏、富裕或贫穷、疾病还是健康都彼此相爱、珍惜,直到死亡才能将e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e4b893e5b19e31333335323462我们分开 西方婚礼誓词(新郎 新娘 牧师对话) 版本一: 牧师:"你愿意娶这个女人吗?爱她、忠诚于她,无论她贫困、患病或者残疾,直至死亡。Doyou(你愿意吗)?" 新郎:"Ido(我愿意)!" 牧师:"你愿意嫁给这个男人吗?爱他、忠诚于他,无论他贫困、患病或者残疾,直至死亡。Doyou(你愿意吗)?" 新娘:"Ido(我愿意)!" 版本二: 牧师:问(男):×××你愿意承认接纳×××为你的妻子吗? (男)答:我愿意 牧师:问(男):你当以温柔耐心来照顾你的妻子,敬爱她,唯独与她居住。要尊重她的家庭为你的家族,尽你做丈夫的本份到终身。不再和其他人发生感情,并且对他保持贞洁吗?你在众人面前许诺愿意这样吗? (男)答:我愿意。我×××愿意承受接纳×××做我的妻子,和她生活在一起。无论在什么环境,都愿意终生养她、爱惜她、安慰她、尊重她、保护她。不和其他人发生感情。 牧师问(女):×××你愿意承认×××为你的丈夫吗? 女)答:我愿意。 牧师问(女):你愿意到了合适的年龄嫁给他,当常温柔端庄,来顺服这个人,敬爱他、帮助他,唯独与他居住。要尊重他的家族为本身的家族,尽力孝顺,尽你做妻子的本份到终身,并且对他保持贞洁?你在众人面前许诺,愿意这样吗? (女)答:我愿意。我×××愿意到了合适的年龄嫁给他,承受接纳×××做我的丈夫,和他生活在一起。 牧师:请新郎新娘交换信物。 西方婚礼誓词(英文版)~! The Wedding (Tom and Mary ) Priest: Tom, will you give yourself to Mary, to be her husband, to live with her according to God’s word? Will you love her, comfort her, honour and protect her,and, forsaking all others, be faithful to her,so long as you both shall live? Tom: I will. Priest: Mary, will you give yourself to Tom, to be his wife, to live with him according to God’s word? Will you love him, comfort him, honour and protect him, and, forsaking all others, be faithful to him so long as you both shall live? Mary: I will. Priest: Families and friends, you are witnesses to these vows. Will you do everything in your power to uphold Tom and Mary in their marriage? All: We will. Tom: I, Tom, in the presence of God, take you, Mary, to be my wife; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, so long as we both shall live. All this I vow and promise. Mary: I, Mary, in the presence of God, take you, Tom, to be my husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, so long as we both shall live. All this I vow and promise. Priest: God of steadfast love, by your blessing, let these rings be for Tom and Mary, a symbol of their love and faithfulness through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Tom: I give you this ring,as a symbol of our marriage. With all that I am and all that I have .I honour you; in the name of God. Amen. Mary: I receive this ring as a symbol of your love and faithfulness to the end of our days. Mary: I give you this ring as a symbol of our marriage. With all that I am and all that I have. I honour you; in the name of God. Amen. Tom: I receive this ring as a symbol of your love and faithfulness to the end of our days. Priest: Before God and in the presence of us all, Tom and Mary have joined hands and made their solemn vows, promising lifelong faithfulness to each other. In the name of God, I declare them to be husband and wife. What God has joined together, let no one separate. Tom and Mary: God of tenderness and strength, you have brought our paths together and led us to this day; go with us now as we travel through good times, through trouble, and through change. Bless our home, our partings and our meetings. Make us worthy of one another’s best, And tender with one another’s dreams. Amen. All: Grown our lives with your goodness; sustain us all our days with your love. Priest: Bless Tom and Mary with wisdom and pleasure.Be their friend and companion in joy, their comfort in need and in sorrow. And when this life is ended welcome them into your presence, there with all your people to praise your holy name: All: Blessed be God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit, as in the beginning, so now, and for ever. Amen.
  • 漃寞煙錇謌
  • 2020-05-23 02:19

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