

求婚相关搜索: 求婚

Way Back Into Love - Hugh Grant and Haley BennettI've been livingwith a shadow overhead,I've been sleepingwith a cloud above my bed,I've been lonely for so long,Trapped in the past,I just can't seem to move on!I've been hiding all my hopesand dreams away,Just in case I ever need themagain someday,I've been setting aside time,To clear a little spacein the corners of my mind!All I want to do is find a wayback into love.I can't make it true withouta way back into love.Oooooh.I've been watchingbut the stars refuse to shine,I've been searchingbut I just don't see the signs,I know that it's out there,There's got to be somethingfor my soul somewhere!I've been looking for someoneto shed some light,Not somebody just to get methrough the night,I could use some direction,And I'm open to your suggestions.All I want to do is find a wayback into love.I can't make it throughwithout a way back into love.And if I open my heart again,I guess I'm hopingyou'll be there for mein the end!Oooooooh,Ooooooh,Ooooooh.There are momentswhen I don't know if it's realOr if anybody feels the way I feelI need inspirationNot just another negotiationAll I want to do is find a wayback into love,I can't make it through without a wayback into love,And if I open my heart to you,I'm hoping you'll show mewhat to do,And if you help me to start again,You know that I'll be therefor you in the end!。

  • V1
  • 2020-04-22 23:46
  《明天你要嫁给我》   《爱你一万年》   《爱你就等于爱自己》   《你是我的玫瑰花》   《约定》   《亲密爱人》   《你是我最大的骄傲》   《月亮代表我的心》   《老公老公我爱你》   《做我老婆好不好》   《简单爱》   《求婚》   《情非得已》   《好姑娘》   《牵手》   《姑娘我爱你》   《最浪漫的事》   《水晶》   《最美》   《爱就一个字》   《我心永恒》   《我将永远爱你》   《最珍贵的角落》   《唯一》   《只有为你》 经典英文  《my love》   《nothing`s gonna change my love for you》   《Merry you》 编辑本段求婚方式缘份天注定  男孩的一辆小飞机在天空飞,落下的时候正要撞到一个女孩e79fa5e98193e59b9ee7ad9431333332393337身上,之后两人互换了联系方式,日久生情后,男孩用那小飞机把一枚戒指送到了女孩的面前,随后男孩拿着鲜花单腿跪下求婚,结果两人步入了爱的殿堂。这种方式,比较适合校园里的纯色爱情。 爱的首映式  一个男孩落寞的走在街头上,在树下碰到了女孩,可能是一见倾心,两人一直约会,一段时间后,在昏暗的电影院里,男孩拿出一枚戒指,向女孩求了婚,虽然写的是“未完待续”,我想结局肯定是美好的。 宿舍下的邂逅  在宿舍下,男孩和女孩邂逅了,男孩爱上了女孩,之后两人在学校里,在咖啡厅里相约,男孩用手机向女孩表白了,用宿舍灯排出了“I LOVE YOU”,最后一枚戒指将两人的心甜蜜的连接在一起了。 飞跃国界找到你  一个异国的男孩爱上了一个中国女孩,努力追求她,可是女孩走了,男孩心也碎了,低迷一段时间后,男孩重新振作,经过重重困难,千山万水终于找到了女孩,两人终于见面了,然后一颗戒指让女孩留在了男孩的身边。 情定爱情海  公园里,正在拍照的男孩遇到了桥上的女孩,男孩牵着女孩的手奔跑,泛舟,观赏风景,男孩叫女孩闭上眼睛,当她睁开眼睛的时候男孩帮她戴上了一颗钻戒,最后两人甜蜜的在这爱情海上走到了一起。
  • only she。
  • 2020-04-04 21:47
ONLY you....
  • 愿时光盗不走你,
  • 2020-04-14 02:23

Roses and Gold - Robin JacksonMoonshine, oh cover me in moonshine,and I will fill your cup with sentimental tales of raspberry wineCause I’ve been singing these cowboy tears since we came to an endand Im writing snake oil poems and drinking alabast ginLike a kite in the windI’m caught in a spinI’m out on a limbSweet dreams oh cover mein sweet dreamsand i will paint you a story ofroses and gold, and bittersweet thingsIt’s time to say hello toThese lonesome lullabiesand ride into the journey of a new sunriseAnd may our river of tearswash away all our fearsand make it perfectly clearSweet pie, oh mama make mesome sweet piefill it with whatever makes it betterand will cause my eyes to dryAnd I pray to mother mary,great spirit and the holy foolThat we listen to each other andtake heed of the golden ruleThat you do unto mewhat I do unto youand we both see it throughSoft grace, oh cover me in soft graceand I’ll fashion you a cup of forgiveness, gypsum, nettle and laceCause the poetry that you’veput inside my heartrattles like a ‘57 engine about to startLike a kite in the windI’m caught in a spinI’m out on a limbRain dance oh do a little rain dancecall in the clouds and thunder towash away this sorrowful tranceAnd we’ll bath in rose petal firewhile the whill-o-whisps singand purify our eyes with waterfrom the holy springAnd in the days that were oldmay the story that’s toldbe one of Roses and Gold。

  • 骨感i
  • 2020-04-16 01:11

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