
歌名: Beautiful World 歌手:Jim Brickman & Adam Crossley 作词: Adam Crossley作曲: Adam Crossley编曲: Adam Crossley歌词:Strawberry lips shining in the summer sun Canary-tips glowing there for everyone You fell asleep under the cherry tree La La La La La It's a beautiful world we're all here Your winter skin warming in the summer sun [summer sun] We know within you will stay forever young [forever young] You fell asleep under the starlit sea It's time to wake up The moon is high above you We're all here 'cause we love you And when you finally open your eyes and ears You'll see and you'll hear us sing La La La La La It's a beautiful world we're all here La La La La La It's a beautiful world we're all here La La La La La It's a beautiful world It's a beautiful world You fell asleep under the starlit sea It's time to wake up The moon is high above you We're all here 'cause we love you And when you finally open your eyes and ears You'll see and you'll hear us sing La La La La La It's a beautiful world we're all here La La La La La It's a beautiful world we're all here La La La La La It's a beautiful world we're all here La La La La La It's a beautiful world [It's a beautiful world] It's a beautiful world。

  • ┊…、℃吆孓
  • 2020-05-06 09:18

现在有首很流行的那首英文求婚歌曲,挺舒缓的!蛮多人听,歌词是“Hold me now touch me now现在,抓紧我,触摸我I don't want to live without you我不想过没有你的生活Nothing's gona change my love for you没有什么能改变我对你的感情You oughta know by now how much I love you你现在应该知道我爱你有多深”,你可以在自己拿出求婚戒指乐维斯实名定制钻戒,寓意“以我之名,冠你指间,一生相伴,一世相随”时播放这首歌曲。

  • 暧昧是火
  • 2020-04-26 09:28



求婚用什么歌曲有气氛:《ALL OF ME》-BLAKE

《ALL OF ME 》我的全部,由simon may 作曲,特别献唱于威廉王子和凯瑟琳.米德尔顿的皇室婚自礼,这首歌曲在全球各地广泛播放也使布雷克在特拉法加广场的表演登上美国NBC台的《今日秀》节目,并接受超过了30家电视媒体的采访。

求婚用什百么歌曲有气氛:《Could This Me 》艾薇儿






  • 、不安
  • 2020-05-09 14:54
Maroon 5 - Sugar
  • 海誓山盟终抵不过好聚好散
  • 2020-05-24 17:26

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