

求婚相关搜索: 求婚



求婚用什么歌曲有气氛:《ALL OF ME》-BLAKE

《ALL OF ME 》我的全部,由simon may 作曲,特别献唱于威廉王子和凯瑟琳.米德尔顿的皇室婚礼,这首歌曲在全球各地广泛播放也使布雷克在特拉法加广场的表演登上美国NBC台的《今日秀》节目,并接受超过了30家电视媒体的采访。

求婚用什么歌曲有气氛:《Could This Me 》艾薇儿






  • 主音King
  • 2020-05-19 16:27

如果打算在高雅的zhidao环境中向女孩求婚,不如选择一些钢琴曲目,比如《Laterna magic》,流淌的钢琴之声涌入心怀,说不出的舒服感受,无论是用在餐前、幕间,都能营造出一种高雅的氛围来。


国外的求婚都非常的浪漫,配合英文的浪漫歌曲会更让女孩们感动,比如可以选择Rod stewart的《For the first time》这首音乐,熟悉的旋律,简单的心声,在戴上戒指的那一刻,对她说出“For the first time”,凝望她娇羞的答脸颊,是此刻世界最绝美的轮廓。

另外还可以选择Michael learns to rock的《You took my heart away》,用在男孩对女孩的表白处,最恰当不过,当作背景音乐,舒缓而动人心弦。

  • 背叛丶
  • 2020-05-09 01:02
Bruno Mars - Marry Youhttp://www.tudou.com/programs/view/SqajUqWr-T8/
  • ゞ 初音
  • 2020-05-11 14:57

Love Is an Open Door - Kristen Bell&Santino Fontana 试听:http://www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/3668534最快无误,望采纳!Okay, can I just, say something crazy? 那好,我能说点疯话么? I love crazy! 我喜欢疯! All my life has been a series of doors in my face 一次又一次我被当着面关上门 And then suddenly I bump into you 突然之间我见到你 I was thinking the same thing! cuz like 我跟你想的一样!因为我 I’ve been searching my whole life to find my own place 一直都在寻找属于我的天地 And maybe it’s the party talking or the chocolate fondue 可以是高谈阔论或是吃吃喝喝 But with you (but with you) 但和你(但和你) I’ve got my place (I see your face) 我找到这里 我找到了你 And it’s nothing like I’ve ever known before 是我从来都没有见过 Love is an open door 爱让你见到我 Love is an open door 爱让你见到我 Love is an open door 爱让你见到我 With you (with you) 和你 和你 With you (with you) 和你 和你 Love is an open door 爱让你见到我 I mean it’s crazy (what?!) 不可思议 We finish each other’s (sandwiches) 我们吃完了彼此的三明治 That’s what I was gonna say! 我刚要说这句7a64e78988e69d8331333335343334! I never met someone 从没见过 Who thinks so much like me (Jinx! Jinx again!) 谁和我想到一起(镇!我再镇!) Our mental synchronization 之所以会想到一起 Can have but one explanation 缘分肯定就是谜底 You and I were just meant to be 你和我注定在一起 Say goodbye (say goodbye) to the pain of the past 和过去的伤痛说再见 We don’t have to feel it any more 我们再也不用去感受 Love is an open door 爱让你见到我 Love is an open door 爱让你见到我 Life can be so much more 生活精彩更多 With you (with you) 和你 和你 With you (with you) 和你 和你 Love is an open door 爱让你见到我 Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me? 我能说点疯话么?你愿意嫁给我么? Can I say something even crazier? Yes! 我能说点更疯的么?愿意!。

  • 空口无凭。
  • 2020-05-16 03:30

No PromisesShayne WardHey baby, when we are together, doing things that we love.Every time you're near I feel like I’m in heaven, feeling highI don’t want to let go, girl.I just need you to know girl.I don’t wanna run away, baby you’re the one I need tonight,No promises.Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your armsHere tonightHey baby, when we are together, doing things that we love.Everytime you're near I feel like I’m in heaven, feeling highI don’t want to let go, girl.I just need you you to know girl.I don’t wanna run away, baby you’re the one I need tonight,No promises.Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your armsI don’t want to run away, I want to stay forever, thru Time and Time..No promisesI don’t wanna run away, I don’t wanna be aloneNo PromisesBaby, now I need to hold you tight, now and forever my loveNo promisesI don’t wanna run away, baby you’re the one I need tonight,No promises.Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your armsHere tonightI don’t wanna run away, baby you’re the one I need tonight,No promises.Baby, now I need to hold you tight, I just wanna die in your armsHere tonight。

  • 浴血魔王
  • 2020-05-17 01:47

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