

求婚相关搜索: 求婚

求婚告白词应该这样说比较打动人心 我真的爱你,还记得那一次吗?你从我旁边经过,突然你的书,掉落在我面前,我很自然地弯下腰,帮你捡了起来,你对我回眸一笑,我瞬间觉得暖暖的,难道你就是我生命中的那个他,当时,我要记下你的电话号码,开始我只和你谈一些工e68a847a686964616f31333363396331作方面的事情,之后慢慢谈到我们个人的私人问题,我以为,你会很腼腆,但事实上,你一直在给我讲你的故事,我也变得放开了,就这样,我们在一起了,我们也结婚了。

英文的浪漫求婚词Do you remember how the two of us met? I was sitting in the office that day. You came to the office to find Mr. Yuan. I couldn't hear what you were talking to. But I find that you have been looking at me secretly. After a while, you went out, but in less than a minute, you came back. I was a little puzzled. You just saw me and forgot what I just did. I was drunk. So we met. At the beginning we often date, unwittingly we have been in love for two months, I know a little haste, or ask you to marry me.希望对你有所帮助。

  • 恶魔″专属
  • 2020-05-11 13:55

You know I'm a English idiot.If there are grammar mistakes, please don't mind.When the first met you, I am in love with you.This is the so-called love at first sight, and I never had the feeling in my life.Do you remember father's day, please I eat dinner in the restaurant?Remember to wear sweethearts outfit for the first time, you happy smile is so beautiful?Beautiful as a rose in bloom.Thank you for what you've done for me has always been together, I believe that this is love.So I realized that no one can like you make me so happy.I really want to grow old together with you, together to build our own sky.In that case, why not to marry him?So will you marry me?。

  • 流行乄天真
  • 2020-05-04 23:22

求婚的英文:make an offer of marriage;make a proposal;marriage proposal

proposal 读法 英 [prə'pəʊz(ə)l]  美 [prə'pozl] 

n. 提议,建议;求婚


1、to table a proposal 提出建议

2、rationalization proposal 合理化建议

3、make a proposal 求婚;提议

4、proposal form n. 投保单

5、research proposal 研究计划



suggestion 读法 英 [sə'dʒestʃ(ə)n]  美 [sə'dʒɛstʃən] 

n. 建议;示意;微量,细微的迹象


1、make a suggestion 提出建议

2、suggestion box n. 意见箱

3、at the suggestion of 在…的建议下


Perhaps he'd followed her suggestion of a stroll to the river.



progposal,  suggestion, view, advice这组词都有“意见、建议”的意思,其区别是:

1、progposal 指正式提出来供研究、采纳或实行的建议。

2、suggestion 普通用词,语气比advice婉转客气,也不如proposal正式。着重为改进工作、解决困难等提出的建议,有时含所提建议不一定正确,仅供参考的意味。

3、view 侧重指对重大的或引起公众关注的问题所持的看法和态度。

4、advice 普通用词,侧重依据个人经验、学识和正确判断而提出的忠言。

  • ▁▁年少很轻狂°
  • 2020-05-07 22:35
求婚句子是:Will you marry me?求婚单词是:propose
  • 心病无药医。
  • 2020-05-17 16:30

1.I love you not because who you are,but because who I am when I am with you. 我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前是谁。

2.No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is,won't make you cry. 没有男人或女人值得你流泪,值得的那位不会让你哭泣。

3.Atrue friend is some one who reaches for your hand and touches your heart. 一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。

4.The worst way to miss some one is to be sitting right beside him knowing you can't have him. 想念一个人最糟糕的方式就是坐在他身旁,而知道你不能拥有他。

5.Never frown,even when you are sad,because youn ever know who is falling in love with your smile. 就算你不快乐也不要皱眉,因为你永远不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。

6.To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world. 在世界上你可能只是某人,但对于某人你可能是世界。

7.Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened. 不要因为完结而哭泣,要为曾经发生而微笑。

8.Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. 在你尝试了解他人和盼望他人了解你之前,先把你变成一个更好的人和了解自己的人。

9.Don't try so hard,the best things come when you lease expect them to. 不要太努力去找,最好的事情是在最预计不到的时候出现的。

10.Life is apure flame,and we live by an invisible sun within us. 生命是一束纯净的火焰,我们依靠自己内心看不见的太阳而存在。

  • 嫩HEI炮@!
  • 2020-05-25 17:51

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