如果打算在高雅的环境中向女孩求婚,不如选择一些钢琴曲目,比如《Laterna magic》,流淌的钢琴之声涌入心怀,说不出的舒服感受,无论是用在餐前、幕间,都能营造出一种高雅的氛围来。
国外的求婚都非常的浪漫,配合英文的浪漫歌曲会更让女孩们感动,比如可以选择Rod stewart的《For the first time》这首音乐,熟悉的旋律,简单的心声,在戴上戒指的那一刻,对她说出“For the first time”,凝望她娇羞的脸颊,是此刻世界最绝美的轮廓。
另外还可以选择Michael learns to rock的《You took my heart away》,用在男孩对女孩的表白处,最恰当不过,当作背景音乐,舒缓而动人心弦。
感人的求婚视频 - 这两天在网上超火的视频 - 一位来自波特兰的人跟他女友求婚:他让女友坐在车后面,带上耳机,说要让她听首歌。
这首Bruno Mars 的歌开始后,亲朋好友逐渐跟着移动的车后出现在女友的面前(没能来的通过电脑出现了),他们一起表演了一场假唱,帮这位男孩求婚。
David Archuleta - Pat-A-PanGuillô, prends ton tambourin,Toi, prends ta flûte, RobinAu son de ces instrumentsTu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-panAu son de ces instrumentsJe dirai Noël, gaiement.Willie, bring your little drum.Robin, get your fife, and come,And be merry while you play.Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-panWe will listen as you playFor the joy for Christmas day.When the men of olden daysGave the King of Kings their praiseThey had pipes on which to play.Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-panThey had drums on which to play.For the joy of Christmas day.God and man became today,More in tune than fife and drum,So be merry while you play.Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-panCome be merry while you playOn this joyous Christmas day.While the angels wingTo the newborn King,I will sing for the blessed BabeOn this joyous Christmas day.God and man became today,More in tune than fife and drum,So be merry while you play.Tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-panCome be merry while you play。
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